Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Do or Die.

Seth Godin had this piece of advice for readers who frequent his blog. What I like about Seth Godin's blog is the distilled learning that accompanies each of his posts. Anyway, here is an excerpt :

There used to be a significant limit on available intake. Once you read all the books in the college library on your topic, it was time to start writing.
Now that the availability of opinions, expertise and email is infinite, I think the last part of that sentence is the most important:
Time to start writing.

Over the last few months, I have been feeling increasingly aimless, like an un-anchored yatch riding the winds. There are lots of personal projects I wanted to undertake but mental barriers always manage to keep me tethered. Perhaps the time has come to embark on a few projects I hold dear to my heart. Hopefully, they will impart a sense of direction to my otherwise aimless life.Time has come for being active as opposed to being passive.

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